Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why it Was Worth $10.75

Most people associate Utah with snow. Some people are not familiar with the geography of the United States and don't know much about the state. I spoke with someone on the phone last week and when I told them it was snowy here, they said that was a big surprise to them, they didn't associate Utah with snow. Guess they forgot about the 2002 Winter Olympics and don't know that famous people head to Park City in the winter.

Yesterday, I took the day off work and hit the slopes. It was a spectacular day, lots of fresh snow, sun and relative warmth. The resort was empty and I didn't have to share the lifts with bratty kids from Pennsylvania or doctors from New Jersey. Which leads into my reason for the post.

Normally I'm a cheapskate at movie theaters, sporting events and resorts. Why pay a lot of money for mediocre food?

When I was getting ready to leave I noticed we were out of bread and I decided to fore go my usual PB & J (there's nothing like gulping down a half frozen sandwich on a ski lift) and bite the bullet with overpriced resort food. I got chili in a bread bowl, which was $10.75 . . . way overpriced. But I loved it and it was delicious. There's nothing like hot food when you are cold and hungry. They could have served me a Red Barron frozen pizza and it would have been (as my mother-in-law says) heaven.

What are worthwhile indulgences to you dear readers? A churro at an amusement park? Popcorn at the movies? A hot dog that has been under a heat lamp for 19 hours at a sporting event?


  1. I'm sure I should stop reading your blog about yummy food since I'm 8 months pregnant, just out of surgery, and on the BRAT diet--I hate food right now! But you said the magic word, churro. True confession: I once spent about $30 on churros in one day at Disneyland. Pretty much the best day of my life.

  2. Nothing tastes as good as a $15 burger and fries at Mid Gad on a 3-foot day. Although if you take a break to eat before 3pm you'll miss too much pow.
